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【MMF】2月17日|視るダンス① ※副音声ありversion

【MMF】2月17日|視るダンス① ※副音声ありversion

今後の活動の参考にさせて頂きたく、アンケートにご協力くださいますようお願いします。 視るダンス① ー大谷燠のお茶の間トーク付きー 10分間のダンス3本仕立て。舞台で上演されたダンス作品と、ダンス・アーティストが制作したダンス映像作品を配信します。これもダンス? あれもダンス!ダンスって何だ!? 10分の作品のなかに、身体や、風景・モノから立ち上がる「ダンスなる瞬間」が散りばめられています。今回、DANCE BOX初めての試みとして副音声をつけ、新たなダンスの楽しみ方の開発を試みます。 新企画「耳からダンス」、画面の向こうの皆さまもご一緒に踊りましょう! 音声(音楽や声)だけによる「振付」を配信します。自由気ままに解釈しながら、密かにLet’s Dance !! 4回目は、愛媛よりyummydanceの振付です。 概要 ■視るダンス①【副音声】 作品発表:松本鈴香(舞台作品)、武内浩一(舞台作品)、住吉山実里+タム・ファム(映像作品) お茶の間トーク:パクウォン(遊合芸能チングドゥル)、大谷燠 お茶の間MC:ミッシュマッシュムッシュ高橋、趙恵美 ■耳からダンス 振付:yummydance 配信日時:2021年2月17日(水)21:00~22:00 特設サイト 視るダンス① 耳からダンス 文化庁委託事業「令和2年度障害者による文化芸術活動推進事業(文化芸術による共生社会の推進を含む)」 主催 : 文化庁、NPO法人 DANCE BOX 助成:神戸市(視るダンスのみ) 企画制作:NPO法人 DANCE BOX
Indonesian Dance Festival - Layar Terkembang Tubuh Virtual series (Part-1)
Indonesian Dance Festival

Indonesian Dance Festival - Layar Terkembang Tubuh Virtual series (Part-1)

December 18, 2021 - 19:00 WIB “I-Ruang” by Abib Igal (Sampit, Kalimantan Tengah, Indonesia) “Paradox : The Nebulous (part 1)” by Maharani Pane (Jakarta, Indonesia) “in-” by Minori Sumiyoshiyama (Yokohama, Kyoto, Japan) Synopsis “I-Ruang” oleh Abib Igal “Iruang” in ritual reality is a sacred place where ritual activities occur. The “iruang” is attached to the body of a Wadian --a healer in the Dayak Ma'anyan tribal community in Central Kalimantan-- which they carry with them when performing rituals at the house of the person they are healing. In this work, the concept of flexibility of the “iruang” is interpreted through the phenomenon of migration of analog bodies to virtual space. “Paradox : The Nebulous (part 1)” by Maharani Pane “Paradox: The Nebulous (part 1)” departs from the idea of dream ​​research and its relation to the conscious body and the unconscious body. In consciousness, the body is a container for receiving all various feelings created from every phenomenon, and the brain is manipulated to cover things that are deemed to be threatening. There are boundaries and outlines between the dream space and the reality space, as well as the virtual world, whatever happens in the virtual space is always related to the reality space. “in-” by Minori Sumiyoshiyama The title “in-” is inspired by the English prefix “in-” and the Japanese word "陰 (in) = darkness / shade / shadow". "陰 (in)" was feared and admired by the people, and was the source of imagination. Nowadays we can easily take photos and movies with our smartphones, therefore our souls, bodies, and identities have been fragmented, wandering around the Internet clouds. These phenomena unique to the digital society are shaking the human condition. Our work “in-” was created with a focus on such phenomena. About Layar Terkembang 2021 - Virtual Bodies series Layar Terkembang 2021 the Virtual Bodies series explores various ideas that mark the shaded area between offline or IRL (In Real Live) and online experiences in relation to the body, identity, medium, and mediation through a choreographic perspective. We invited 5 choreographers whose arts practices are deeply connected to social media and are actively representing themselves virtually. Thus, the media experience will be criticized and reinterpreted through the process of creating choreography. About Indonesian Dance Festival The Indonesian Dance Festival (IDF) is an international biennial contemporary dance festival that has been consistently held since 1992. The festival was founded by Jakarta’s dance artists and maestros to fill the void of a platform for contemporary dance, and the year 2022 will mark the IDF's 30th year of its journey. IDF has presented world-class performances from home and abroad, which includes more than 250 main & premiere performances, 35 commission & re-construction work specially produced for IDF. The festival is one of the few internationally recognized contemporary dance festivals in Asia. Since 2020, IDF has been under the auspices of the Loka Tari Nusantara Foundation, a foundation engaged in the development of the Indonesian performing arts ecosystem. This program is presented by Indonesian Dance Festival, co-organized by The Japan Foundation, Jakarta, and sponsored by the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology.
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